Episode 9: WCN’21 Conversations With Speakers on AKI, PD, Capacity Building and Gender Presented by Travere Therapeutics
Download MP3Roberto is joined by guest host Dr. Arvind Conjeevaram Consultant Nephrologist and Transplant Physician, Bangalore and @ISNeducation Social Media Team Chair. Roberto and Arvind interviewed four speakers from the WCN’21 who gave previews of their talks on AKI, PD, Capacity Building and Gender. Simon Davies: Person Centered Prescription of PDRolando Claure Del Granado: Tropical Diseases, Venoms and HerbolariaSofia Ahmed: Sex and Gender in Nephrology: Proper Care or Propaganda?Dwomoa Adu: H3Africa Project
Roberto is joined by guest host Dr. Arvind Conjeevaram Consultant Nephrologist and Transplant Physician, Bangalore and @ISNeducation Social Media Team Chair. Roberto and Arvind interviewed four speakers from the WCN’21 who gave previews of their talks on AKI, PD, Capacity Building and Gender.
Simon Davies: Person Centered Prescription of PD
Rolando Claure Del Granado: Tropical Diseases, Venoms and Herbolaria
Sofia Ahmed: Sex and Gender in Nephrology: Proper Care or Propaganda?
Dwomoa Adu: H3Africa Project